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In-Person Workshops
Systemic & Family Constellation

Create better connections with yourself and the people in your life.


Systemic & Family Constellations allow you to explore how patterns or pain points in your life may originate in prior generations or dynamics outside your everyday awareness. Looking with compassion and non-judgment at the origin of issues brings more clarity and ease to life and relationships.


Convened in Portland, Oregon

Second Saturdays every month

October 12 | November 9 | December 14 | January 11


In this workshop Turn Takers are supported to map their family system in the context of an issue or question they'd like to explore. They receive a broad perspective in a safe community. Participant/Reps support the process in a spirit of collaborative healing. Serving as a representative and witness to this process generates a deep, meaningful experience that touches our own lives.


The day includes demonstration and guidance on how to participate, and then bring these tools into everyday life. Coming as a beginner is warmly welcomed.


As time and energy allow, we will often explore a community constellation on a collective theme. Some examples from the last year include: our relationship to place and nature; the mother/mother shadow complex; elements of the sacred masculine; and the five gates of grief.


Registration and cost:

  • Turn Takers | Choose your rate $208 - $248

  • Participant/Reps | $80

    • Please reach out if you want to discuss payment plans and alternate arrangements..


Inquiries welcomed:


About the facilitator:

I first participated in a Family & Systemic Constellation workshop in 2014. I immediately knew I wanted to understand and share this incredible modality. I trained in Family Constellations in 2016, started co-convening a facilitator practice group in 2017, studied Organizational Constellations in 2019 and began working with clients in 2020. I’ve trained with teachers around the world who have each evolved unique approaches infusing their life and professional wisdom into the work. I’ve similarly cultivated my approach, with deep respect to my teachers. Constellations are one of my favorite ways to bring more breath to life.

"I can trust Amelia with my fears, failures, and foibles. She listens compassionately and productively, wanting the best for me without telling me what that is."
"The Constellation was truly incredible and [what I learned] makes SO much sense. Some missing pieces were brought into the light of clarity."
"[The Constellation workshop] was an extraordinary experience. I feel honored to have been a witness and participant."
"This is to convey inexpressible gratitude for holding the space, for guiding with unbounded grace, and for the gifts that emanate from all of that."
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